What to Do If You’ve Been Hit by a Drunk Driver in Austin, TX

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Austin, Texas, is a city that dances to the beat of its own drum, with an enviable music scene and a bustling nightlife. Yet, this vibrancy brings with it a darker side: drunk driving incidents. The repercussions of such incidents are far-reaching and often devastating. If you find yourself in the unfortunate position of being hit by a drunk driver, it is imperative to know the steps to take to protect your rights and interests. Steven C. Lee & Associates, an esteemed law firm specializing in drunk driving accident lawsuits, boasts a 30-year track record of securing justice for their clients. Their expertise is invaluable in navigating the complexities of personal injury claims resulting from DUI accidents. 

Understanding Texas Drunk Driving Laws

In Texas, the repercussions for driving under the influence are severe. A blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% or higher is illegal for drivers, and the penalties can be severe, including fines, license revocation, and even jail time. If an impaired driver has caused an accident, these penalties can escalate, especially if there is significant property damage, injury, or loss of life. As a victim, it’s crucial to have an attorney who not only understands these laws but also has a profound understanding of how they can affect your personal injury case. Steven C. Lee’s in-depth knowledge of DUI laws in Texas positions him as a powerful advocate for your rights. 

Immediate Steps to Take at the Accident Scene

Immediately after the accident, check for injuries and call 911. Remain at the scene, but maintain a safe distance from traffic and any potential hazards. Gather evidence by taking photos of the vehicles, the surrounding area, and any injuries sustained. If witnesses are present, politely ask for their contact information—they could provide crucial statements later. It’s important to remember that anything you say could be used in legal proceedings, so it’s advisable to limit your communication with the other driver and never admit fault. Steven C. Lee & Associates stress the importance of handling this initial stage correctly, as it lays the groundwork for your personal injury claim.  Click here to file an Austin Police Accident Report.

Medical Attention and Documentation

Even if you feel unharmed, seek medical attention without delay. Adrenaline can mask pain, and some injuries, such as whiplash or internal trauma, may not be immediately apparent. Visit an emergency room or your physician as soon as possible. Ensure that all your visits, treatments, and any medications prescribed are well-documented. This medical documentation is a cornerstone of your personal injury claim. Steven C. Lee & Associates can help you understand which documents are most critical and how to secure them for your case. 

The Role of a Personal Injury Attorney

The aftermath of an accident can be as chaotic as the event itself. Insurance companies may press you to make statements or accept settlements that are not in your best interest. A personal injury attorney can protect you from these pressures and focus on what truly matters—your recovery and rightful compensation. The team at Steven C. Lee & Associates brings to the table their negotiation expertise, trial experience, and a compassionate understanding of the trauma you’ve endured. Their role is to shoulder the legal burden so you can focus on healing. 

How Steven C. Lee & Associates Can Help

Choosing the right legal representative is pivotal. Steven C. Lee & Associates offer a deep dive into DUI-related personal injury cases, with a keen focus on detailed investigation and a client-first approach. Their expertise extends to reconstructing the accident scene, consulting with medical experts, and battling for the compensation you deserve. With millions won for clients over three decades, the firm’s track record speaks volumes of their dedication and expertise. See Client testimonials for Steven C. Lee & Associates.

Navigating Insurance Claims

The process of dealing with insurance claims can be a minefield. Insurers are adept at reducing payouts, but an experienced attorney can turn the tables. Steven C. Lee has a reputation for his firm but fair negotiation tactics, ensuring that clients are not left at a disadvantage. The firm’s thorough understanding of insurance law means they can navigate these complex waters with ease, securing the best possible outcome for their clients. 

Legal Process for DUI Accident Claims

The journey through a legal claim can be intricate, involving numerous stages and a myriad of legal documents. Steven C. Lee & Associates is adept at guiding clients through each phase, from initial consultation to courtroom representation if needed. Their meticulous attention to detail ensures that every aspect of the case is managed with precision, giving clients peace of mind and the space to focus on their recovery. 

Compensations You May Be Entitled To

The financial, physical, and emotional toll of an accident can be heavy.  As well, the true cost of an accident can be overwhelming.   Steven C. Lee & Associates is committed to securing compensation that reflects the full extent of your losses. This includes medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, lost wages, loss of earning capacity, and compensation for pain and suffering. The firm’s comprehensive approach means they leave no stone unturned in the pursuit of what is rightfully yours. 

Why Choose Steven C. Lee & Associates

With a multitude of personal injury attorneys in Central Texas, why choose Steven C. Lee & Associates? It’s their unparalleled dedication to clients, their exhaustive legal knowledge, and the personal care they provide that sets them apart. They are not just lawyers; they are advocates for justice, champions of the injured, and relentless pursuers of the compensation their clients deserve. 

Choose Steven C. Lee & Associates

The aftermath of an accident can be a labyrinth of legal and medical challenges. Taking the next step with Steven C. Lee & Associates means putting your case in the hands of seasoned professionals who will fight for your rights with tenacity and expertise. If you’ve been hit by a drunk driver in Austin, TX, reach out to Steven C. Lee & Associates today, and take the first step towards the justice and compensation you deserve.